Sunday, 26 February 2012

New Mission

So my life as a servant has not been all that great. I have failed The Master at every turn. I'm surprised he hasn't just killed me yet. Instead I'm being sent on a special mission. I'm guessing in this case we're using special in it's less positive meaning. I'm being sent to a meeting of servants.

Interesting News. I've been reading the blog of other servants. I've been really interested in one. A convocation servant called The Faceless Bastard. He's really interesting and awesome and he's going to be at the meeting!

I can't wait to meet him. I hope he likes me.



  1. Meh, I wouldn't get to excited, he's a bit of dousche :P

    1. Shut up! Faceless is awesome! (As in awe inspiring, not today's watered down usage)
